Watching Israel is like watching the entire world. The end times are here.
Moon tetrad:
In 2014 – 2015 a rare sequence of Tetrad Red Blood Moon lunar eclipses are occurring on the Jewish Holidays of Passover and the Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Two solar eclipses will also occur in 2015 on the Jewish New Years for KINGS and Feast of Trumpets Holidays.
John Hagee wrote a prophetic book about it.
Here he tells about blood moons prior link to wars, and Israel:
We have to be prepared! History speaks clearly. Something big is about to happen in the middle east, and the world. The great harvest of souls must begin. A great upheaval, and revival might come in the next few months. The countdown is on. When will for instance the american, and world economy crack? The world is about to change.