The same message as on
I demand three things. 1 That the awakened create a
New Earth Ubuntu village of contributionism and private schools, like
a Trojan-horse pallet example so the glass house of cards will tumble, 2 a Nicola
Tesla and Wilhelm Reich group of alternative scientists to reform all fields of
academia, ( 3 And thus the end the New World Order by mass
enlightenment through training messiahs, unleashing a media-campaign exposure
of the 1 technocratic, 2 cultural and 3 financial elite, focusing on the
technocratic elite, e.g. cancer cures, alternative village science, alternative
electricity, something all relate to, thus shaping the future in the lead, not
as sheep that can be downplayed. Go with the political current saving the
ecology, but with no compromise to false physics, history, astronomy and
Everyone knows someone who’s died of cancer.
The awakened must overtake any free nation with such a
Trojan-horse village society, with all enlightened anarchist hippies, and
conspiracy-realists uniting, waking up from waking up, and focus ALL on ONE
nation to get the ball rolling, ok? Norway would be an ideal location for such
a movement, although over-run by mad-men, I live there, and the revolution must
happen in a western, Americanized country for the desired worldwide immediate
Read my book: The people’s army’s revolution – the
battleplan against the NWO.
Don`t curse the darkness ¨ah I hate the NWO.¨ No,
light a candle instead! Gather the ambers and the one, single light will expel
all darkness, as the NWO glass house of cards will fall by the uproar of the
Ignorance is a sin. We the people have the OBLIGATION
to be in the LEAD to change our future. The OTO madmen tampoonlards of
non-existing Egyptian history try to break boundaries, but these gangstalkers
are the worst, most obedient slave-criminals in history! They’re poor, have no
technology, and eat Rothschild crumbs while their race is ruined, obeying the
academia of lies when they could had levity-propulsion and a new industrial
revolution through my alternative state model, read my books. They’re not
rebellious or groundbreaking at all. They are a stagnate post-history
civilization of slaves.
The OTO hail the joker and say ¨why so serious¨, but
dress like bitchy pin-up slaves, never talk to strangers, and act like
machines. They’re a contradiction to their origin.
No real wars. No real rebellion. Just controlled
opposition by my world government. But we intend to erase all religion, all
cultures, and all human existence.
Although I favor a redeemed perpetual world without
slaves, there are other forces of evil much darker than the fallen angels.
The negative forces shaping our current systems are
simply humans like me and you, driven by GUTS for life and lust MONEY. It is
simply a matter of who has the most GUTS, and never an armed conflict, this
world being like ¨a TV-show¨.
Furthermore: This NWO has replaced common sense and
common ethics with the inversed teachings of all holy books, thanks to the
not-so-enlightened Sabbatean Frankist Jesuit Illuminati, whom are in reality
the Luminari plagiarizing the sun-cult, infiltrating it and perverting all
things. The Jesuits, really… And the Frankists. Ugh!
They call the disintegration of cultures and races
through staged wars ¨the only sustainable future and inevitable global order.¨
Really? Is a forest not beautiful because of it’s
plurality? Is humanity not beautiful because of multiculturalism and human
bio-diversity? They’re making a mono-culturalism, not multiculturalism. Their
truth inversion strategies… A non-polarized, perpetual peaceful world can only
come through common human ethics, not ethnics or population control, but the enlightened
freedom of the Buddha’s, Krishna’s and Jesus example, not common social status,
income or common equal intelligence, but common SPIRITUAL intelligence: Common
sense and morale, LOVE for God’s sake! Period. And that`s the reason I wrote
the Law of Source, Love and Light.
All great periods in human history were due to a people-serving
priesthood whose religion (e.g sacred geometry, astrology, etc)
incorporated sacred philosophy and sacred science. There was never a point
in history where science was not identical to alchemy, magick, secret and
SACRED, like the Christian and Egyptian (Atlantean) religion of the survivors
of Hyperborea, the religion of the SUN, their Tartarian monuments still
surrounding us everywhere, baffling us; because we lost our guardian priesthood
to the moon cult of the Luminari.
THAT`s our aim. A sustainable ecologically intelligent
monastic village trojan horse civilization. A globalized world is not
sustainable AT ALL. The bird-flu, SARS and the Corona virus epidemic prove the
NWO is a non-sustainable wildshot. Not to mention: Forbidden by the Elohim, our
creators. We will only end up destroying ourselves or being destroyed by the
Elohim, as happened in the Biblical Tower of Babel story.
Only a worldwide reformation of all fields of school,
including physics and religion, perhaps after a war against terrorism, followed
by an industrial revolution, creates a perpetual, ethically homogenous world of
small, independent economy towns (cells), where no currency, state or police is
needed other than the presence of the Elohim, the white brotherhood. OUR
high-tech and religious knowledge is perfect and eternal, sustainable, and
could last for tens of thousands of years.
Not only does small-cell globalization through ethics
and space-police eliminate the countless future epidemics, biological
mad-scientists, and wars funded by a global banking elite:
There is simply not oil, and not enough Cobolt for
electric car batteries. Not even for 100 years, and that’s about: Now.
Look closely and see the NWO was built to fall, look
at the OTHER hand of Elohim (illusionist`s) cards:
It is US the FREE BRAVE ONES who remade our world!
Nothing lasts unless the people do it themselves.
My mission is an inevitable future outcome, a perfect
world. And if we’re not living in it by now, why believe Jesus will return and
create it for us? Is that not against free will? If it hasn’t historically
happened, why would it happen when there are 6 Christians left in the world?
Not that Christianity was ever true, only my Nazarene path of Christianity is
THE very truth, being the most enlightened man in world history. A sage unable
to die out of his love for humanity.
I don`t want 20 generations to suffer under a NWO
disintegration of culture, morale and religion, before they realize their
ancestors were irresponsible and led future generations into a globalized world
doomed to fail OR: Forever be controlled by madscientists of the
So let`s BUILD that village or wait 500 years, because
this Marxistic police-dictatorship might last forever. Or be destroyed.
Anyways. Cheer up, there are good forces out there,
like us, so light a candle, and stop watching depressing videos nurturing
darkness. Get optimistic, activistic and organized with your conspiracy-theory
Let`s start in your back-yard, let`s start
love-and-light-family gatherings, think tanks and private schools. Got me? This
is the most exciting time to be alive. Run with it. The mantle and
responsibility as messiah is just as much yours as it is mine. Don’t pray to
the clouds! They never told you the truth! This world is nothing but a
school of ascension and entertainment to
them. A game. But we are given rights as stewards, gardeners of Earth by the
Adamic and the Noahic covenant! Will you give away your rights to machines???
It’s time to act. To realize that alternative media
and the political platform won’t save us. But never forget! The worst would be
if all heroes left politics, if all true Christians left the Catholic Church,
etc, leaving only the alien serpents left. The light shines in the darkness,
and it’s important to take part in all sectors, and lot give the darkness
entitled domain, because this is a spiritual war.
I’m not telling the alt-right should stop their
current fights: Just regroup and focus all on one nation, a Tesla village, with
private schools! Unite and you WILL win against their ¨divide and conquer¨
strategy. Just be bold, protest and victimize yourself. Preach
environmentalism, free love, get the attention of the liberal idiots who work
in media and politics, and preach anarcho-capitalism, outside the political
spectrum, and they can’t possibly shut you down. It is an unwritten people’s
right to deny the state and crown a new king. Do it before Marxistic world
dictatorship. First comes the cultural Marxism; disintegration of culture, and
then comes the monetary Marxism.
Go against Rothschild Zionism. But, you know, an alien
archon bets on all horses…, as long as there is morale left! But with Sabbatean
Illuminati Frankism, all gotta go.
Imagine what we could accomplish if gathering the
resourceful people like Thomas Eidsaa, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson (oh, they
killed him) , Thomas Joseph Brown, Sasha Stone, Michael Tellinger, Harry
Rhodes, the alternative media and sponsors to create Michael Jacksons ¨world
united¨ dream of Scatman John’s Scatland. Go watch that song.
We need to wake up from trying to wake up the people
and instead, unite those who are awake: Out of Babylon and into my eternal
dream! It is the only dream. The only hypothetically valid philosophical
purpose of our time and our technology. AND we have God, and Jesus ascended on
our side.
¨Only live for something worth dying for.¨ I would die
for myself, of course. Maybe not for you, heh, but we’re in this together. The
greatest illusion is the illusion of separation. We are flock animals in an
all-permeating spirit-field floating in space. Love! Unite! What’s serious?
Science??? The police? Politicians? Do I have to teach you natural human
responses on how to rebel against tyranny? Show them your ass!
Imagine if all alternative news sectors combined with all
alternative multidimensional physics/etheric physics scientist in the ¨Tesla
sustainable village project¨ of Tomislav Tesla. We will save 20 generations!!!
Let me explain. We are all one superconscience. This
superconscience decides who God is, what God says, etc. Statistics show the
meditation effect to work, that when thousands meditate for peace, crime-rates
drop globally. Statistics show that independent scientists always discovered
new technology at the same time.
When one light is lit, when Lucifer rises, all will
WANT our village system of alternative physics, alternative history, and
alternative medicine with free electrical energy. Beautiful gardens and inland levity-propulsion
technology flying (google Coral Castle) Herbs, and frequensies, like the Royal
Raymond Rife machine, abandoned by big pharma misanthropists, could cure all
bacterial, fungal and viral disease. A small hand-held apparatus for each
household. And cancer is cured by Vitamin B17 (apricot kernels) and intravenous
Vitamin C, among others, do read my book, the Kingdom of God.
Why will attacking the technocrazy department work?
Because all want more technology, better lives and more money! We will use
Materialist Marxism to it’s own doom. One such village ignites a hundred more,
and the worldwide system collapses.
EVEN now, millions, Christians, neo-pagans, national-patriots,
targeted individuals, and persecuted scientists are desperately seeking an
exodus from the busy, tiring life of 24/7 work 5 days a week, AWAY from the
hectic 5g smart-grid system of big brother’s coming virtual internet reality,
false friends and back into REAL friendship and romance with mother nature…
They need to wake up from waking up, realize their strategies are not working
and unite: Creating an anarcho-capitalist village and a university of
alternative physics and medicine. Did you know we had atmospheric electricity
before the mud-flood? Tesla knew and took it further.
No more shopping mall pin-up copy-cats. No more
superpowers. No more soul-tax farm nations. Only humans in their natural
habitat; symbiosis with nature.
For with my technology and enlightened belief-systems,
there is zero purpose for hospitals, police-stations, schools, or government.
But we must act while the internet is still free.
These are the goals I`ve had all my life. Ask all my friends.
I wanted to follow Jesus and tread a
new, sustainable future pathway, and not end up like some copy-doll
puppet antichrist, of which there are too many, giving your freedom to a
super-idol career agent.
I was willing to die for you as a MASSIVE target by
the misanthropist Sabbatean-Frankist NWO Illuminati Jesuit conglomerate. THEIR
religion is ¨worship yourself¨, OUR religion is love, the human rights and
strength in UNITY! It`s time you realize it`s not necessarily me they`re after.
They`re only after me because I try protecting YOU. Love and Light.